Senior Design Team sdmay22-02 • Dancing Swarm of iCreate/Roomba Robots v2.0

Brief Overview
The goal of this project is to develop a swarm navigation algorithm based off of a bird swarm (leader, followers) for CPRE 288 iCreate Roomba platforms. Our team's predecessor from 2021 began development of the algorithm on Webots, an open-source 3D robot simulation software. We are implementing and enhancing their work.
Functional requirements
- Roombas must be able to exhibit swarm-like behavior
- Follower Roombas must follow behind a lead Roomba at a specified distance and angle within 10% error
- The follower Roombas should not receive any controls and should rely only on their own sensor data
- The leader Roomba will receive movement directions from a base computer
- Components must be able to be powered by Roomba battery
- Play music for the lead Roomba and it moves the swarm, making the swarm “dance”